ModernSteel - porte fentre en acier; fentres cintrer en acier; menuiseries fine en acier
ModernSteel - fentre grande dimmenssion en acier; fenetre rupture de pont thermique en acier
ModernSteel - menuiserie acier; acier rupture de pont thermique;
ModernSteel - fentre en acier style atelier;acier d'architecture

Metal joinery

Having proven itself during the art deco period, steel is a material widely used in the different projects, from the simplest to the most complex.

Constantly evolving, the metal joinery is adapting to new materials or products.

The metal construction integrates computer-aided design and drawing ,and lends itself to limitless architectural daring.

The advantages of metal:

  • Solidity and lightness permettant de construire des ouvrages de grande envergure (tours, ponts, ouvrages d’art …)
  • Design and aesthetics, metal is particularly appreciated by architects as well in new constructions as in the renovation of old buildings.
  • Exceptional speed of implementation on site, the components being designed and assembled in workshop then in site.
  • The metal is100% recyclable and infinitely. It therefore involves very little waste and in construction, its use limits the energy impact on the environment.

Doors and windows, cladding of facades, partitions, curtain walls, verandas, glass roofs ... the steel metal joiner is aptly named "designer of the building".

Malleable, it can adapt to all styles: opening, sliding, door opening, tilt and turn French; to all forms:curved or straight; and contributes to thermal and acoustic insulation as well as compliance with the requirements of safety and fire protection.

Responding brilliantly to modern architectural requirements, it is nonetheless the ally of metal joinery for intensive use.

Allowing the production of closed frames in cold series or thermal break or curtain wall facades, the ranges make it possible to achieve all frame configurations, to protect bales and meet NF EN 1522 standards; and its 7 classifications apply to attacks on guns and revolvers, assault rifles, rifles and shotguns. Ideal for banks and diplomatic representations!